I went snowboarding for the first time ever! It was exciting! It was exhausting. I felt so alive! By the end of the day I was entirely dead inside. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but after this, I think I may be getting addicted.
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Planning My Snowboarding Trip

Location, location, location. Well… and time. I admit I think I went a little early in the year (December), considering how rough the snow was, but I was so antsy to go, I called my friends up right away. We decided we were all going to drive to the Arizona Snowbowl and spend the weekend snowboarding or skiing. Then, it all went wrong.
One by one, people began canceling, and the day before we had planned to leave, all but one friend had canceled. Now, I was disappointed that almost everyone backed out, but really, I was terrified to drive in the snow. I was supposed to ride with some of the people that canceled, but the morning I was to leave, I was gearing up to drive in the snow for the first time. Thankfully, I was able to follow my friend/snowboarding teacher on the drive there, so I wasn’t completely alone in this snowy territory.
Finally, we made it to Snowbowl, and wasted no time jumping into snowboarding!
The Hardest Part Of Snowboarding
So, I was told I did well. I was able to get to some of the bigger hills on my first day and I had a blast figuring out how to shift my weight on my toes and heels to move. The hardest part though, the absolute hardest part, was the pain and sheer exhaustion.
I was planning on snowboarding Saturday AND Sunday, but when I tell you I could barely lift my feet by the end of day one, I am not kidding you. Between, never living in cold weather, and never snowboarding before, I was nearly falling asleep on the way to the hotel. At least until I hit a patch of ice on the road that scared me straight. Then, came Sunday morning.
Sitting hurt. Lying down hurt. Scratching my nose hurt. I could not believe how sore I was! I almost couldn’t get out of bed, but when I finally did, I searched for my phone to facetime my parents. Now what did they say you might ask? They laughed. They laughed at my pain! Really though I was laughing with them. It seemed so ridiculous that I with so much padding the day before, I was still this sore!

My Favorite Part Of Snowboarding
Before my body began giving out during this new sport, I found a few things I really enjoyed. Number one, being the smooth motions of the board when I actually got moving. It was like I was flying over the hills as the wind rustled my hair and the brisk air hit my lungs. Something I had never really experienced before.
Oh, and of course being outdoors in the snow! Where I live, we never get snow. So being able to Snowboard and let out some pent up energy on the slopes felt amazing. As I got control of my board too, it was like I was unstoppable. I will definitely be using this experience in an upcoming story!

What would I Do Differently?
What would I do differently? Plain and simple, more padding. Think it’s enough? No, I’m adding more. We’re breaking out the kneepads and the butt pads and putting on the extra fluffy jacket!
I also can’t tell you how thankful I was to have my helmet. Knowing how accident prone I am I knew I would need it, and I’m positive if I didn’t have it, I could have seriously got hurt when I banged my head on the ice. I might add earbuds to it though. Or my headband that has headphones in it.
That’s It!
All in all, I am so glad I was able to go snowboarding. Despite most of the people canceling, I had an amazing time, and I can’t wait to go again!
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