Wood burning. I’ve been wanting to try it, I’ve been dying to practice, and then my parents came home with a little surprise for me! Of course I had to try it as soon as possible! The real question is though, was it a success? This post contains affiliate links that I have the potential to make a…
Category: Archived Nonfiction Works
These archived lifestyles posts are just some of my old nonfiction works!

I’m Mixing Desert And Gardening! Want To Try It Too?
Have you ever wanted to mix the desert and gardening? Seems pretty crazy I know, but ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to grow things! So, at the start of 2020, I set out to start my own garden in the middle of the desert. If you’d like to read the very beginning…

Wanna Make A Wax Seal? You Only Need Two Things!
This week as one of my newest projects, I decided I wanted to make a wax seal. Now, there was a long train of thought behind this, but in short, I’m working on a journal series involving my original characters! So, I wanted to create a wax seal for one of my newest characters Jeremy…

A New Resin Skill: Building The Chessboard
Welcome to part two of building a chessboard where I share my experience with resin! If you missed Building The Chessboard: A New Woodworking Skill, click here. Now, when looking at what I would make the chess pieces out of, the best solution seemed clear. Learn how to use resin. This post contains affiliate links…

Building The Chessboard: A New Woodworking Skill
Did someone say woodworking? How about making a chessboard? No? Well I’m gonna do it anyways! On my ever growing list of skills to learn, wood working has been at the top for quite some time. The only problem is, well, my confidence after my last woodworking project. Click here to read about my table…

Into The Freezing World Of Snowboarding!
I went snowboarding for the first time ever! It was exciting! It was exhausting. I felt so alive! By the end of the day I was entirely dead inside. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but after this, I think I may be getting addicted. This post contains affiliate links that…

Traveling Through The Heart Of The U.S. Part 2
I’m sure traveling through South Carolina at any other time of the year would have been fine, but I think we happened to pick the hottest and most humid time of the whole year. If you missed part one of my adventures through the heart of the U.S. click here! If you’re ready for part…

Traveling Through The Heart Of The U.S. Part 1
In every trip, there is a defining moment for me. That moment when it would take longer than a day to get back home. That moment was in Grand Junction, Colorado. The day before we had packed up a rental van with nothing more than the essentials (plus or minus mom’s six pairs of shoes…

Four Different Fool Proof Methods To Learn A Thing
Has anyone ever told you there’s only one way to learn a thing? Or maybe, here’s the best way to learn a thing? Has anyone ever told you there can be more than one way to learn a thing? So many times we’re put into a box so that we can learn exactly how everyone…

My Top 4 Free Resources For Learning Spanish
As I write this post, I am in the process of learning Spanish. I decided I wanted to learn Spanish for two main reasons. One, I live in an area where native Spanish speakers are common, and two, I though it would be a really useful skill. Not to mention I might be able to…